Saturday Stuck at Home


John and Me – Casey Moore’s Tempe AZ

Rush Hour

Driving through Phoenix

in the HOV lane
enduring rush hour traffic

Idle conversation
reminiscing on our childhood
as we travel to Tempe


Hello all! Just a friendly reminder tomorrow is CP Awareness Day so wear your green again. Today is the day of the new AC install so we are stuck here until it’s finished. On Thursday my friend who has a home up in Sedona came down to Phoenix; he had to drop his dad off at the airport. While he was in town, he asked if we wanted to go out for dinner and drinks. In order for Shawn to tag along, John came over to the house and then we drove out to Tempe. It is easier for Shawn to drive to a restaurant close to work than it is for him to fight the rush hour traffic all the way back to the west valley. Otherwise Shawn would have had to leave work very early. Instead John and I got to drive through the mess of Phoenix traffic. Shawn picked the restaurant as I know nothing about restaurants out in the east valley. Casey Moore’s is an Irish Pub 😉 the food was great and it was a nice evening to sit outside and enjoy it while catching up. Though John was the other friend who visited in November when Rick and Charles were in town. It hasn’t been overly long since our last visit.

Well since I’m stuck at home anyway, I thought I’d update on the poetry front. NaPoWriMo is closing in – one week from tomorrow. I got my poster from so I think I’m ready. I made a couple submissions this week, but otherwise all I’ve heard is crickets. The NaHaiWriMo Facebook page shared a submission call by Jacquie Pearce. Since we traveled by train on our honeymoon, I’m working on an entry.


Yes, I’m also working on other poetry forms today. I need to stretch my poetry muscle for NaPoWriMo – not sure if I’ll blog again before then, but I hope to see a lot of readers everyday in April.

International Women’s Day

In my last post I wrote about dreaming about spring break and how Rachael is on spring break this week, which has made for a slightly chaotic week. Sunday we had Shawn’s mom over for dinner to celebrate Shawn’s birthday. I thought we would go out, but he wanted to have a cook out. It was a nice meal – steak pinwheels (stuffed with cheese and spinach), scalloped potatoes and green beans. Shawn made a coffee cake and Kathy made a pineapple upside down cake so we had plenty for dessert. Monday I spent the day cleaning from all the cooking that occurred on Sunday. Tuesday Rachael and I did the grocery shopping and yesterday Gretchen had the SAT; she feels like she screwed it up. Then after the test, she broke her glasses. We had to pick her up from school and drive over to the eye doctor. Yes, they are truly broken and we had to order new frames.

Today I just want to sit and veg – tomorrow we have a few AC companies coming over to give us estimates on a new unit and Saturday is tax day – fun wow. When I logged on to WordPress this morning I saw international women’s day is celebrating with haiku. I’ve been reading some great haiku this morning. Thanks!

On twitter I’ve been going back and forth with a #haikuchain. Dawson @dathaikufool left off with:

Probes Search For New 
Boldly Goes A.I.

The last line becomes the next person’s first line and I know it’s women’s history month plus today is international women’s day, so when I saw the #haikuchallenge word today is still, of course I had to have some fun.

Boldly goes A.I.
humans face termination
Sarah still persists

Yes, we are having fun with science fiction. If you want to read some true haiku/senryu check out the Inner Voices link above. Enjoy reading poetry by women this month. On my own poetry front, I got three rejections this week 😦 but I’ve sent more submissions out as well.

6 Lessons Learned from a Year of 101 Rejections by: Natalie D-Napolean (Writer’s Digest)

I’m not aiming for so many because I don’t think I’ll hit 100 submissions this year, but I have been writing more poetry this year and trying to keep up a writing routine which is very helpful.

Happy New Year

I have been way too quiet lately. December was very busy here, my friend, Rick K, came to visit us. It was a nice time. We drove around in a convertible and it happened to be a warm (mid 70s and sunny) even for us in the desert.


South Mountain Summit

High above Phoenix
Drive Summit Road, South Mountain
Top down, yields best view


Rick and Shawn @ Third Space, Phoenix

9 the Gallery
First stop to view Shawn’s photos
Then drinks at Third Space