World CP Day


Bare It All Hosted by Jaclyn Mo

The Bare It All Expo is this Sunday October 2nd at 9 the gallery from 4-6pm. So why is this post titled World CP day? Simple World CP Day is October 5th and my poem will be in the Bare It All Expo a few days prior.



Bare it all poem
did not try to reflect self
living with CP

An Interview With Author Jennifer Brown

My daughter’s interview with Jennifer Brown for journalism.

By: Gretchen Hosking
Follow me on Twitter @Gsking_OwlFeed

Creative writing is amazing. It allows readers to have an escape from the real world for a while as they delve into another. The author’s amazing worlds and lovable characters keep us entwined within their stories.

4271350_origRecently I was able to interview Jennifer Brown, author of The Hate List and Perfect Escape, about her experiences with writing young adult books. Before becoming an author, writing was her hobby. It was never thought of as a career for her until her older son was born and she had to quit her day job.

Even though she was skeptical going into it, she was willing to try and turn her hobby into a career. This idea eventually ended up working for her and became reality. The only thing she said that frustrates her about the writing process is “keeping the world from taking…

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Haiku Challenge


Changing appearance
Second picture shows contrast
Over years between

In both of these pictures, I am standing in front of the closet in my bedroom. The first one was taken quite a few years ago, but I recently had it up on Facebook to celebrate Star Trek turning 50. The second I took last week before I went out to the Phoenix art and chocolate show on Thursday. The #haikuchallenge word on twitter today is second. I have been lax in the poetry writing lately, I need to get back into it.

Shawn and I will be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary next month. I started to fiddle with his limerick gift. The traditional gift is china. We spent a few days up in New Mexico for our 15th anniversary and toured some vineyards and actually picked up crystal souvenir wine glasses. But I still had fun with the limerick.

There was a woman being a pistol
who wrapped herself as a present coital
fifteenth anniversary
was becoming a quandary
since she found no great gift in crystal

18th anniversary limerick

19th anniversary limerick

Melt Down, poem by Veronica Hosking (WHEN I MOVED Poetry and Prose Series)

It’s hard to believe the little girl napping in this photo has started her first semester at ASU.

Silver Birch Press

phoenix1Melt Down
by Veronica Hosking

So long Buffalo
Packed up our belongings
Left for warmer climate
Envious of sunny Arizona
Eighty degrees in February
Never looked back

IMAGE: Vintage postcard Phoenix, Arizona.

NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Back in November 1998, my husband had a splenectomy and we moved into my parents’ house while he was on disability. In February of ’99, Shawn moved across country to Phoenix, Arizona. Rachael and I followed at the end of June. As I write this poem 17 years later, Arizona is under an excessive heat wave. On Father’s Day we hit 118 and lost our AC for a couple hours. Still better than being buried under seven feet of snow.

hosking2AUTHOR’S PHOTO CAPTION: Rachael napping on the patio of our apartment in Phoenix surrounded by the boxes we will pack up to move into our house.

hosking1ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Veronica Hosking is a wife, mother…

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World Suicide Prevention Day

September 10, 2016 #Worldsuicidepreventionday

My family lost two loved ones to suicide – my brother-in-law November 27, 2013 and then my cousin November 5, 2014. Last year my husband, mother-in-law and niece got tattoos to commemorate Scott’s 40th birthday.

When a family member or friend decides to end their own life, the survivors question what they could have done differently. It is usually a question with no easy, straight forward answer. Today my thoughts are with everyone who has lost a loved one to suicide and with those who have thought about suicide. Please know there are people in the world who love you and want to help anyway they can.