#NaPoWriMo Early Bird Prompt 2023

Remove cataract  
Perfect vision in right eye 
Cannot drive at night 

In the category of not so fun fact: a person is not supposed to drive at night after cataract surgery. A fact I mentioned not being informed about until I met the surgeon for my surgery. When he finally uttered the restriction and I replied, Well since I don’t drive during the day; it’s probably best I don’t drive at night. But yes this little “fun” fact should be mentioned at the beginning before one even gets to their meet the surgeon appointment. My surgeon mentioned it as an aside because most of his patients are quite a bit older than me and have already stopped driving at night as cataracts impedes night vision long before it affects how you see during the day. Of course my problem ties into another fun fact – people with cerebral palsy age faster than normal. And as today is the last day of cerebral palsy awareness month that’s a good fact to share for the #NaPoWriMo early prompt.

Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem that plays with the idea of a “fun fact.” Your fact could actually be fun – or the whole point could be that it’s not fun. Maybe you have a favorite wacky fact already, but if not, Mental Floss’s “Amazing Fact Generator” is here to help!

Last Day of March

Good morning readers. I’ve been on the road on vacation up in Oregon since March 18. We are now making our way back home, but I won’t be back until Sunday. Of course I have signed up for #NaPoWriMo this year so the first two days maybe a little late. In the meantime, check out issue 5 of Free the Verse – I don’t want to talk about it.


And I hope everyone is prepared for the craziness that is also known as April.