Phoenix ComiCon 2017


Once upon a time, 2010, we waited in a long line to buy tickets to attend our first comicon. Thanks to the On this day feature on Facebook, I was reminded it was seven years ago today. I did not plan on buying tickets this year, between college tuition, a new car purchase, and my upcoming trip to Germany, it didn’t seem wise to make the purchase. Seven years ago we only had to buy two tickets. Sidekicks, 13 and younger, were free (now a sidekick ticket costs money) not that it matters my girls are far beyond free anymore.

When I told the girls we weren’t getting tickets this year, they took it well. Shawn, on the other hand, he really wanted to go but I told him it was an expense we couldn’t afford now. Not only are tickets expensive, but then there is the exhibitor’s hall. BTW – thanks Del Rey for the free books. Once we finally got into the convention center, yeah some idiot decided to ruin the fun for the rest of us, I got into the Del Rey author signing line. They had free sampler books. Picked up the Star Wars one for Gretchen. Then we met Scott Sigler and Rob Reid. I waited to see what the price for the books were. They were signing and giving the books away for free. I have new reading material. 😀 A little bummed we missed seeing Pierce Brown though, I brought our copy of Red Rising for him to sign.

Gunman arrested
Cosplay weapons ban creates
Long wait to enter

Seven years ago
Flashback to first ComiCon
Could not wait to see…

And a Big Shout Out and Thank You! to Bear Essential News for giving us the four passes for Friday. They asked who your favorite cosplay character was and I answered, Levi. About a week after I told everyone we weren’t going to ComiCon this year, I got an email from Julie Madden congratulating me as the winner. I read it twice then showed it to Shawn, I think we are going to ComiCon this year. He confirmed my eyes were not deceiving me. Then I told Nonnie we got passes and she purchased a Friday pass to attend with us. We had a lot of fun. And despite the almost hour long line to get in, Nonnie survived and enjoyed her first con.

Happy Mother’s Day


It’s hard to believe the little bundle of joy who made me a mom for the first time will be 19 on Saturday! She was also the inspiration for the first story I had published. Last year at this time she graduated with highest distinction with an AA at EMCC. Then a week later graduated from high school. She just finished her first year at ASU and maintained her 4.0 GPA.

The second little one to come along three years later has two weeks left in her sophomore year in high school. She, too, has all As and at the end of the month will start taking classes at EMCC through the ACE program. Last weekend she took her accuplacer over at the college and scored a 95 in reading and a 6 on the writing. She actually followed her English teacher’s formula for essay writing. Who would have thought English teachers know a thing or two about writing. 😉 A score of 5 places a student in Eng 101 and 8 is the highest score on the test.


gives birth
holds baby tight
nurtures strong, independent person

And here is my first poem dedicated to Motherhood. Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms out there!