Cutting Letters – Heterodox Haiku Journal

Good afternoon. Thanks to Jerome for including one of my haiku in the latest heterodox haiku journal – Cutting Letters you can read the entire anthology or listen to it at the link.

Mother’s Day here was pretty quiet. Shawn grilled a tri-tip and my mother-in-law brought over some lobster tails and we had broccoli and corn to complete the meal. I wrote a haiku for the #haikuchallenge word back on Friday, for my mother, the word was jay and my mom would tell me how blue jays were the bullies of the bird feeder, chasing the other birds away when they were there.

reminders of mom
bird feeder set out each spring
blue jay eats alone

I remember when I was a little girl, catching fireflies during warm summer nights. Apparently I have to go to teach someone how to write a good cover letter now.

#NaPoWriMo 2024 Wrap-up

Good afternoon and welcome to my wrap-up for #NaPoWriMo 2024: better late than never. 😉

In total I wrote 40 poems in April. And at the start of this month I made a couple submissions. Other than that I’ve been busy sending out graduation announcements and catching up on all the chores I let fall by the wayside when I’m enmeshed in poetry madness. WordPress sent my April statistics the other day, so I thought I’d share them here. One plus to not getting to my wrap-up on May 1st.

Screenshot – April Blog review

Thank you to all my readers who have joined me in April and everyone who left me comments. I appreciate your time and encouragement. Hopefully I’ll be back soon with poetry submission news.