Autumn Weddings

Shawn and my anniversary is less than two weeks away. I love October one of the things I miss living in AZ are the beautiful fall colors. But I don’t miss Buffalo snow so…

Yesterday a good friend from high school called out of the blue. He’s getting married next month. ๐Ÿ˜€ I asked him if it was October 12th (a really good day to get married) though since it is a Monday this year, I pretty much knew it would be no. Their date will be October 24. Unfortunately with less than a month’s notice, I can’t be there. But I did use the good news as inspiration for today’s #haikuchallenge

Libations flow free
Happily ever after
Autumn wedding bells

I’m, by no means, partial to October weddings. ๐Ÿ˜‰ The limerick for my 19th anniversary has been written and being left alone. I looked at the one for last year. The rough draft written out was different from what was actually posted. We shall see if letting this year’s sit unread will inspire edits when I post.

Tomorrow is October. And Gretchen will be on fall break next week. Wow! the first quarter of her freshman year is almost complete. You know what that means?

Can’t wait for fall break
Sleep is in my DNA
No early wake up

Gretchen's DNA model

Gretchen’s DNA model

Oktoberfest Fun

The Wigwam Resort had its annual Oktoberfest yesterday. Yes, I know it’s still September but hey with a maiden name of Heintz, who am I to complain they’re early. I brought my copy of The Great Gatsby Anthology. Since it is the last weekend of summer, I thought it would be a good time and place to get photos to promote the book.

Horsing around at Oktoberfest

Horsing around at Oktoberfest

Shawn and I invited his mom to come with us. We enjoyed German food, beer and music. As we were looking at the menu, Kathy started to explain the food items. Umm… did you forget your daughter-in-law is German? While we were listening to the band play, I said we should have brought Gretchen and put her German learning to good use. But we all figured she’d complain she doesn’t know enough to translate. Then I realized Shawn and I were married October 12th. Someday we are going to have to have the girl accompany us to Germany for a real Oktoberfest.

The Happy Couple

The Happy Couple

I checked my page stats before writing this post. So far one view today – 18th Anniversary Limerick. It’s getting about time to work on the one for 19 years.

The Great Gatsby Anthology

Fitzgerald’s birthday
celebrate literature
entire book free

Thursday September 24th is Fitzgerald’s 119th birthday and Silver Birch Press will be offering the kindle edition of The Great Gatsby Anthology for free.

As part of the celebration, on Thursday, Sept. 24, 2015, we will give away the Kindle version of The Great Gatsby Anthology (to everyone!). It will be free on Amazon! Tell your friends. (We would love some additional Amazon reviews!)ย Silver Birch Press

Great Gatsby Anthology Cover

Great Gatsby Anthology Cover

A Long Time Ago…

My niece and nephew

My niece and nephew

In a galaxy…
er…um…Buffalo, NY
nineteen years ago

There they are adorable two-year-olds all dressed up for their Aunt and Uncle’s wedding. Wonder what happens in nineteen years?

My niece and nephew September 6, 2015

My niece and nephew September 6, 2015

Wonders why he is
still single when he wears an
I pee in pools shirt

Ha-ha the #haikuchallenge word today is single. In case my nephew hasn’t figured things out on his own. ๐Ÿ˜‰ This photo was perfect for a haiku this morning.

Yesterday we had a nice picnic at Nonnie’s house. Caitlin and Mack met again after almost 19 years. We also saw my cousin and uncle for a little while. And we had Sahlen’s hotdogs. Nothing like bribing your nephew to drive up from Fort Bliss with some good ole Buffalo, NY hotdogs. He’s heading back to El Paso this morning. He has a dozen hotdogs with him, hoping it’s enough for one cookout back there.

Teaching German

So Gretchen is taking German and tries to teach us what she is learning. Her cousin came up from Fort Bliss to visit over the long weekend and last night she tried teaching dad, mom and her cousin German.

Gretchen as a German teacher

Gretchen as a German teacher

Important message
teaching reluctant students
remember gold stars

When Mack got a right answer, he asked for a gold star. The teacher said she ran out. I was able to add the gold star sticker when I posted the picture to Facebook. Shhh… the teacher doesn’t know this picture is there. ๐Ÿ˜‰