Twenty Years Ago

Twenty years ago Shawn worked 6am-2pm so he woke up and left for work before anyone else started to stir. Then I was awoken to the phone ringing, Shawn called to tell me to turn on the TV a plane crashed into one of the twin towers in NYC. I watched in disbelief, working on autopilot. I woke up Robin and Gretchen, got Robin dressed and fed and ready for preschool and off we went. In the classroom several moms came up to me asking if I was alright and did I know anyone. I smiled and said, I’m fine I didn’t know anyone who worked in the city. My mom was born and raised outside New York City (in Pompton Plains New Jersey), and eleven years after 9-11 Robin asked my Uncle Jim to take us into the city for his 8th grade promotion. We flew to Buffalo and drove over to my other aunt and uncle’s in Warwick, NY before driving into the city for a couple days.

I’m not sure if Robin’s apple print he made in preschool all those years ago was still hanging on our front door. I do know it decorated the door for years because the teachers wrote the date on it and I did not have the heart to take it down. Despite the number of years it was up, I had a hard time finding a picture of the print on the door. This was the best I could do.

Robin’s 9-11 apple print

Preschool apple print
Masterpiece made years ago
Decorates front door